Friday, August 15, 2008

Up Your Energy with Allergy Techniques!

Up Your Energy with Allergy Techniques!
By Heather Dominick

What we do is just as powerful as what we eat to keep ourselves operating at our highest energy. This especially applies during allergy season. Instead of just popping a pill and trekking ahead as usual, try taking care instead.

Know Your Season: If you know exactly what allergy triggers you are susceptible to (get tested by your doctor or carefully chart your reactions this year), you can take extra care by following this seasonal guide:

Alder: Feb, Mar, Apr, May

Hazelnut: Feb, Mar, Apr, May

Elm: Feb, Mar, Apr, May

Birch: Mar, April, May, June

Maple: Mar, April, May, June

Oak: Mar, April, May, June

Sorrel: April, May, June, July, Aug, Sept

Stinging Nettle: April, May, June, July, Aug, Sept

Beech: April, May, June

Spruce: April, May, June

Buttercup: May, June, July

Mugwort: July, Aug, Sept

Horseradish: This condiment has an extreme ability to thin abundant mucus so it can drain from the nasal passages. Eat as much as you can tolerate (yummy on crackers!) or make a tea by combining horseradish, lemon juice and honey. Drink throughout the day.

Keep Windows Closed: It may seem simple and you may feel like you are missing the fresh air of spring, but it could save you money and sneeze power. Secure windows of your home and car during your tough season.

Reduce Dairy Intake: Especially for allergy sufferers, dairy products can inhibit breathing and increase mucus. Reduce dairy; increase breathing.

Showers and Baths: Take a shower at night to remove any pollen that may have collected in your hair or nails during the day. Take a HOT bath to raise your body temperature to help the body purge toxins. Add the essential oils (a11 natura1, no artificial fragrances) of camphor, menthol and eucalyptus to help with decongestion (You can also mix these oils with sweet almond oil and apply under the nose and on the neck during the day for easier breathing).

Vitamins C and E: These two power vitamins help support healthy immune function as well as prevent allergic response. Your best bet for intake increase: (Vitamin C ) citrus fruits, bell peppers, chili peppers, amaranth, berries, cabbage, parsley, potatoes, sprouts, tomatoes (Vitamin E) nuts, seeds, whole grains, dark green leaves of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, dandelion greens, sprouts, asparagus, cucumbers and spinach.

Heather Dominick, The Energy Expert is an energy and nutritionspecialist with over 10 years of teaching and coaching experience. Heathers primary focus is in helping others identify sources for increasing physical energy and making permanent lifestyle changes. To sign up to receive your free chapter of the famed e-Book Get EnergyRICH, for her freebie how-to articles and no-charge teleclasses on creating your most energized life, visit

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