Sunday, September 21, 2008

Peanut Allergy Prevention is the Cure?

Peanut Allergy - Prevention is the Cure?
By Allen Matthews

It seems only a careful inspection of every meal and every purchased food item (and some non-food items) is the cure for a food allergy.

Careful avoidance of any trace of nut in your foods is paramount. With 50-100 American deaths caused by a peanut allergic reaction every year, an allergy to peanuts is not something anyone can afford to take lightly.

However, there may still be hope for those who suffer severe reactions to peanuts.

U.S. researchers may have created a drug that could help prevent severe allergic reactions to peanuts. A study, presented at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology conference in 2003, claims to have created a drug that stops severe reactions to peanuts by trapping the molecule that causes the bodies allergic reaction to nuts.

However, such research, even now, is still very much in its developmental stage.

So if you are new to peanut allergies, or you have a family member or a close friend suffering from an allergy to peanuts, here is a general list of items that are likely to have peanuts or traces of peanut in them:

Strict Avoidance Items include -

Peanuts, peanut by-products (such as peanut butter, peanut brittle and so on), chocolate bars (possible cross contamination), health/energy bars, cakes and cookies

Double Check The Label Items include -

Pastries (if you can't confirm what they have been made with), sauces (praline sauce, pesto sauce, worcestershire sauce), marzipan, gravy and cereals

Keep An Eye Out Items include -

Shampoos, soaps and hand creams

Its been said before, but it always pays to be reminded again, that you must always read the label but don't rely on it. Even be prepared to go as far as calling the food manufacturer of the product, simply to make sure.

Having a peanut allergy can at times prove to be frustrating. But it need not stop you from doing what you want to do. It simply requires you to be a bit more careful about your food choices. So remember, until the cure arrives, prevention IS the cure...

Allen Matthews is the main editor for, and is one of many peanut allergic people in the world today.

If you would like more information about this food allergy, visit for free articles and all of the latest news about Peanut Allergies.

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